Governance Settings_Functions Directory

Anatha Blockchain

Directory of Settings and Functions Completed via Governance Proposal

  1. Governance Settings

    1. Add Governor

    2. Remove Governor

    3. Change Voting Period Parameter

    4. Change Voting Quorum Parameter

    5. Change Voting Threshold Parameter

    6. Change Invariant Constant Fee

    7. Change Maximum Age for Valid Evidence

  2. Blockchain ID Settings

    1. Add Blockchain ID

    2. Remove Blockchain ID

  3. HRA Settings

    1. Change Duration of HRA Registration

    2. Change Maximum Allowed HRA Registration

    3. Change HRA Registration Fee

    4. Change HRA Renewal Fee

    5. Change Address Credits

    6. Change Address Registration Fee

  4. Validator Settings

    1. Change Unbonding Time

    2. Change Validator Maximum

    3. Change Maximum Entries for Unbonding Delegation

    4. Change Historical Entries

    5. Change Bondable Coin Denomination

  5. Slashing Settings

    1. Change Validator Activity Monitoring Window

    2. Change Signed Block Minimum Per Window

    3. Change Jail Time Duration

    4. Change Equivocation Slashing Fraction

    5. Change Downtime Slashing Fraction

  6. Treasury Functions

    1. Add Operator

    2. Remove Operator

    3. Distribute from Development Fund

    4. Distribute from Security Token Fund

    5. Transfer from Distribution Profits to Buyback Liquidity Pool

    6. Add Funds to Buyback Liquidity Fund

    7. Remove Funds from Buyback Liquidity Fund

    8. Burn Distribution Profits

  7. Treasury Settings

    1. Add Managers

    2. Change Risk Assessment Amount

    3. Change Risk Assessment Duration

    4. Change Buyback Percentage

  8. Transaction Settings

    1. Enable/Disable Transfers

  9. Rewards Settings

    1. Change Name Registration Delay Period

    2. Change Initial Reward Blocking Period Duration

    3. Change Reward Withdrawal Enabled Time

    4. Change Development Fund Share

    5. Change Security Token Fund Share

    6. Change Savings Share

  10. Fee Settings

    1. Add Fee-Excluded Message Type

    2. Remove Fee-Excluded Message Type

    3. Change Fee Percentage

    4. Change Minimum Fee

  11. Mint Settings

    1. Change Inflation Rate

    2. Change Mint Denomination

  12. Authentication Settings

    1. Change Maximum Memo Characters

    2. Change Transaction Signature Limit

    3. Change Transaction Cost Per Byte

    4. Change Signature Verification Cost (ed25519)

    5. Change Signature Verification Cost (secp256k1)

  13. Software Upgrade Proposal

  14. Governance Settings

Add Governor

This proposal allows governors to add a new governor to the list of governors. This proposal will pass only if the vote is unanimous.

  • "governance/AddGovernorProposal"

Remove Governor

This proposal allows governors to add a new governor to the list of governors. This proposal will pass only if the vote is unanimous.

  • "governance/RemoveGovernorProposal"

Change Voting Period Parameter

This proposal allows governors to change the duration of the standard voting period.

  • Default voting period = 24 hours.

  • voting_params (VotingParams)

    • voting_period (time.Duration)

Change Voting Quorum Parameter

This proposal allows governors to change the minimum % of governors that are required to vote in order for quorum to be met.

  • Default voting quorum = 0.334

  • tally_params (TallyParams)

    • quorum (sdk.Dec)

Change Voting Threshold Parameter

This proposal allows governors to change the minimum % of governors that are required to vote in order for quorum to be met.

  • Default voting quorum = 0.5

  • tally_params (TallyParams)

    • threshold (sdk.Dec)

Change Invariant Constant Fee

This proposal allows governors to change the fixed fee amount for the invariant check transaction.

  • Default = 50000000000000pin

  • ConstantFee (sdk.Coin)

Change Maximum Age for Valid Evidence

The Evidence module allows the submission and handling of arbitrary evidence of misbehavior such as equivocation and counterfactual signing. This proposal allows governors to change the maximum age of valid evidence.

  • max_evidence_age (time.Duration)

2. Blockchain ID Settings

Add Blockchain ID

This proposal allows governors to propose the addition of a new blockchain ID to the list of allowed blockchain IDs.

  • "hra/RegisterBlockchainIdProposal"

Remove Blockchain ID

This proposal allows governors to propose the removal of a blockchain ID from the list of allowed blockchain IDs.

  • "hra/RegisterBlockchainIdProposal"

  1. HRA Settings

Change Duration of HRA Registration

This proposal allows governors to change the duration of HRA registrations.

  • Default value = 1 year

  • nameinfo_duration (time.Duration)

Change Maximum Allowed HRA Registration

This proposal allows governors to change the maximum duration that HRAs can be registered.

  • Default value = 3 years

  • nameinfo_max_duration (time.Duration)

Change HRA Registration Fee

This proposal allows governors to change the HRA registration fee in pin.

  • Default value = 100000000 pin (1 ANATHA)

  • registration_fee (sdk.Coins)

Change HRA Renewal Fee

This proposal allows governors to change the HRA renewal fee in pin.

  • Default value = 100000000 pin (1 ANATHA)

  • renewal_fee (sdk.Coins)

Change Address Credits

This proposal allows governors to change the amount of address credits given to the user when registering for the first time.

  • Default value = 20

  • address_credits (sdk.Int)

Change Address Registration Fee

This proposal allows governors to change the fee of address registration, after address credits are spent (in pin).

  • Default value = 100000000 pin (1 ANATHA)

  • address_registration_fee (sdk.Coins)

  1. Validator Settings

Change Unbonding Time

This proposal allows governors to change the time duration of the unbonding process.

  • Default Value = 21 days

  • unbonding_time (time.Duration)

Change Validator Maximum

This proposal allows governors to change the maximum number of validators.

  • Default Value = 100

  • max_validators (uint16)

Change Maximum Entries for Unbonding Delegation

This proposal allows governors to change the maximum number of entries for unbonding delegation (per pair).

  • Default Value = 7

  • max_entries (uint16)

Change Historical Entries

This proposal allows governors to change the maximum number of historical entries that should persist.

  • Default Value = 0

  • historical_entries (uint16)

Change Bondable Coin Denomination

This proposal allows governors to change the denomination of the bondable coin.

  • Default = pin

  • bond_denom (string)

  1. Slashing Settings

Change Validator Activity Monitoring Window

This proposal allows governors to change the size of the window (number of signed blocks) used for checking validator activity.

  • Default = 100

  • signed_blocks_window (int64)

Change Signed Block Minimum Per Window

This proposal allows governors to change the minimum percentage of signed blocks required per window.

  • Default = 0.5

  • min_signed_per_window (sdk.Dec)

Change Jail Time Duration

This proposal allows governors to change the duration of validator jail time.

  • Default = 600 seconds

  • downtime_jail_duration (time.Duration)

Change Equivocation Slashing Fraction

This proposal allows governors to change the fraction of the total validator stake that will be burned if equivocation occurs.

  • Default = 1/20

  • slash_fraction_double_sign (sdk.Dec)

Change Downtime Slashing Fraction

This proposal allows governors to change the fraction of the total validator stake that will be burned if the validator doesn’t sign the minimum number of blocks per window.

  • Default = 1/100

  • slash_fraction_downtime (sdk.Dec)

  1. Treasury Functions

Add Operator

This proposal allows treasury managers to add a new operator address. This transaction can only be invoked by treasury managers and does not require a governance proposal.

  • "treasury/AddOperator"

Remove Operator

This proposal allows treasury managers to remove an operator address. This transaction can only be invoked by treasury managers and does not require a governance proposal.

  • "treasury/RemoveOperator"

Distribute from Development Fund

This proposal allows governors to distribute funds from the development fund.

  • "distribution/DevelopmentFundDistributionProposal"

Distribute from Security Token Fund

This proposal allows governors to distribute funds from the security token fund.

  • "distribution/SecurityTokenFundDistributionProposal"

Transfer from Distribution Profits to Buyback Liquidity Pool

This proposal allows governors to propose a transfer of stable tokens from the distribution profits to the buyback liquidity fund.

  • "treasury/TransferFromDistributionProfitsToBuyBackLiquidityProposal"

Add Funds to Buyback Liquidity Fund

This proposal allows governors to add stable tokens to the buyback liquidity fund.

  • "treasury/AddBuyBackLiquidityProposal"

Remove Funds from Buyback Liquidity Fund

This proposal allows governors to remove stable tokens from the buyback liquidity fund.

  • "treasury/RemoveBuyBackLiquidityProposal"

Burn Distribution Profits

This proposal allows governors to burn stable tokens from the distribution profits fund.

  • "treasury/RemoveBuyBackLiquidityProposal"

  1. Treasury Settings

Add Managers

This proposal allows governors to add treasury managers.

  • managers ([]sdk.AccAddress)

Change Risk Assessment Amount

This proposal allows governors to change the treasury’s risk assessment amount. Disbursements with values higher than the risk assessment amount will be placed in the disbursement queue.

  • Default value = 10000000000000 = 1,000 USD

  • risk_assesment_amount (sdk.Coins)

Change Risk Assessment Duration

This proposal allows governors to change the duration that “risky” disbursements remain in the disbursement queue.

  • Default value = 24 hours

  • risk_assesment_duration (time.Duration)

Change Buyback Percentage

This proposal allows governors to change the percentage of the Anatha price that, when reached, triggers the system to buy back tokens.

  • Default value = 0.24

  • buyback_percentage (sdk.Dec)

  1. Transaction Settings

Enable/Disable Transfers

This proposal allows governors to change whether or not transfers are enabled.

  • Default Value = true

  • sendenabled (bool)

  1. Reward Settings

Change Name Registration Delay Period

This proposal allows governors to change the delay period between when a name is registered and when it starts receiving rewards.

  • Default Value = 24 hours

  • name_deposit_delay (time.Duration)

Change Initial Reward Blocking Period Duration

This proposal allows governors to change the delay period between the mainnet genesis block and the time when reward withdrawals become enabled.

  • Default Value = 1 year

  • reward_withdrawal_blocked_period (time.Duration)

Change Reward Withdrawal Enabled Time

This proposal allows governors to change the timestamp after which reward withdrawals are enabled.

  • reward_withdrawal_enabled_time (time.Time)

Change Development Fund Share

This proposal allows governors to change the share of tokens that goes to the development fund.

  • Default value = 0.25

  • development_fund_share (sdk.Dec)

Change Security Token Fund Share

This proposal allows governors to change the share of tokens that goes to the security token fund.

  • Default value = 0.25

  • security_token_fund_share (sdk.Dec)

Change Savings Split

This proposal allows governors to change the percentage of funds that goes to savings accounts.

  • Default value = 0.9

  • savings_split_adjustment (sdk.Dec)

10. Fee Settings

Add Fee-Excluded Message Type

This proposal allows governors to add new message types to the fee excluded message types list.

  • "fee/AddFeeExcludedMessageProposal"

Remove Fee-Excluded Message Type

This proposal allows governors to remove message types from the fee excluded message types list.

  • "fee/RemoveFeeExcludedMessageProposal"

Change Fee Percentage

This proposal allows governors to change the transaction fee percentage.

  • Default Value = 0.002

  • fee_percentage (sdk.Dec)

Change Minimum Fee

This proposal allows governors to change the transaction fee percentage.

  • Default Value = 200 pin

  • minimum_fee (sdk.Coins)

11. Mint Settings

Change Inflation Rate

This proposal allows governors to change the per-second token inflation rate.

  • Default Value = 0.000000000315306958

  • per_second_inflation_rate (sdk.Dec)

Change Mint Denomination

This proposal allows governors to change denomination for minted tokens.

  • Default = pin

  • mint_denom (string)

12. Authentication Settings

Change Maximum Memo Characters

This proposal allows governors to change the maximum number of characters allowed in the account memo field.

  • max_memo_characters (uint64)

Change Transaction Signature Limit

This proposal allows governors to change the transaction signature limit.

  • tx_sig_limit (uint64)

Change Transaction Cost Per Byte

This proposal allows governors to change the transaction cost per byte.

  • tx_size_cost_per_byte (uint64)

Change Signature Verification Cost (ed25519)

This proposal allows governors to change the signature verification cost for ed25519.

  • sig_verify_cost_ed25519 (uint64)

Change Signature Verification Cost (secp256k1)

This proposal allows governors to change the signature verification cost for secp256k1.

  • sig_verify_cost_secp256k1 (uint64)

13. Software Upgrade Proposal

Anatha blockchain supports live network upgrades which can be initiated by a governance proposal.

  • "upgrade/SoftwareUpgradeProposal"

Last updated

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